CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Soft Serve

My girlfriend decided that we did not have enough lunch and that we should get some ice cream. Who am I to decline such a request? So we decided to split something from the local Baskin Robbins.

Medium Vanilla Soft Serve Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins
(Note the two spoons.)

Meal: snack (Sat 9/4)
From: Baskin Robbins
Cost: $1.99 (plus tax)
Location: Queens

Ice cream tastes good, and soft serve is "healthier" than regular ice cream. A win win, no?

Taste: good
Conclusion: a warm breezy summer day can always use a little ice cream.

Drink: who drinks with their ice cream? Definitely not me, but I did down a glass of ice water a little while later.

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