CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Apple Pie (oven edition)

Meal: snack (Tue 9/21)
From: my kitchen
Cost: indeterminable*
Location: my house

I simply cannot pass up dessert. I decided to throw a slice of the pie in the oven to make it taste better and I was glad I did.

Warm Apple Pie...

Taste: the pie tastes even better when warmed in the over... only half of the pie left now...
Conclusion: good thing I started working out again, because I have been eating very well lately.

Drink: not sure why but I decided to have a can of Fanta Orange Zero with a cup of ice.

*I paid just under $50 for a crap load of groceries, not sure how much of that is in this meal.

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