CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Friday, September 10, 2010

I am sick of ham and cheese already!

Meal: lunch (Thu 9/10)
From: my fridge
Cost: less than $2
Location: my kitchen

Ham, Turkey and Cheese Sandwich with Mustard on Wholewheat Bread

Nothing special here. Same lightly toasted wholewheat bread (to get the fridge made moisture out), same Target house brand ham, same Kraft Singles American Cheese. I added some Met Food house brand turkey and used French's Yellow Mustard. Strangely, the taste of the turkey and mustard was different enough that the sandwich had a different taste.

Taste: bland, bland, bland...
Conclusion: I am sick of eating this crap, thank god for the weekend, when I can eat some good unhealthy stuff.

Drink: a can of Coke Zero.

Coke Zero

Remarks: wish I could afford an unhealthy lunch...

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