CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Friday, September 24, 2010

True Leftovers for Lunch

Meal: lunch (Fri 9/24)
From: my fridge
Cost: sunk cost... > $0
Location: my kitchen

My plan worked! I intentionally made an excess amount of food for dinner so I could bring some for lunch today, and I managed to not eat everything leaving enough for a complete lunch. Mission accomplished!

Kalbi (Korean BBQ Beef)
Broccoli Dish (with tofu, garlic, and onions with some salt and pepper)
Kimchi Fried Rice

Unlike last night's dinner I felt like I needed some starch/carbs, so I added the remaining kimchi fried rice I had in my fridge.

Taste: still really really good.
Conclusion: so good I wish there was more kalbi...

Drink: a cold can of Coke Zero.

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