CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The random makings of a Lunch...

Meal: lunch (Sat 9/24)
From: my kitchen and a undisclosed Vietnamese restaruant
Cost: Not Available
Location: my kitchen and Chinatown

My aunt ate a Vietnamese Sandwich for lunch, and could only finish half of it, so she gave me the other half.

I think the inside had cilantro, cucumbers, radish, carrots, some kind of spread and pork, your standard no frills Vietnamese sandwich.

The sandwich was not quite enough food so I grabbed the three remaining pork and vegetable dumplings that were in my fridge.

Taste: the sandwich tasted really good, although I was starving so that might have added to the taste. The dumplings were just as good as ever.
Conclusion: a light lunch, I might have to get more later.

Drink: a can of Diet Dr. Pepper in a cup of ice.

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