CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Friday, September 10, 2010

Minimal Sleep = Breakfast Cart Breakfast

I was up late last night, very late. Want to know why? Because I was cleaning out the exhaust duct for the dryer in my house. There was so much accumulated lint, a major fire hazard. In fact, my old drier caught fire (and the first department had to come) a few years back... This morning I was dragging... So I went to my friendly neighborhood breakfast cart to get something to get me through till lunch.

Meal: breakfast (Fri 9/10)
From: breakfast cart near my office
Cost: $2.50
Location: Lower Manhattan

My Breakfast

Cherry Cheese Pastry
It was absolutely delicious (although I was starving so my perception might have been off). I only wish it was (1) bigger and (2) had more cherry filling.

Taste: A number 1 (I must be delirious).
Conclusion: without this breakfast I do not think I would have made it to my 12pm meeting.

Drink: large coffee with milk and sugar.

Remarks: I could have used more coffee and more pastry...

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