CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Fallback Breakfast

I am not sure why, but I was really struggling this morning. Maybe it was the fact that I decided I was going to start running again and ran 2 miles for the second time in a week after not running at all for the last 6 plus years. Or it could be that I did not get to sleep until pretty late. However, the latter probably is not the cause because I usually sleep late (due to no fault of my own). Regardless of the cause, I really needed something to pick me up this morning, so I went with my old standby... the breakfast cart near my office.

Meal: breakfast (Thu 9/9)
From: the cart around the corner from my office
Cost: $2.50
Location: Lower Manhattan

A Chocolate Croissant and a Large Coffee with Milk and Sugar

Nothing special here, just a lot of sugar, caffeine and then some.

Taste: probably not the healthiest combo, so obviously it was good.
Conclusion: I needed a pick me up, this definitely gave me a pick me up, the question is it enough of a pick me up to get me to lunch...

Drink: large coffee with milk and sugar.

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