CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday Morning Doughnuts

I went to Stop & Shop with my girlfriend this morning to stock up on some things. After walking by the bakery we decided to get some doughnuts.

Box of Doughnuts

Cake Doughnut

Meal: breakfast/snack (Sat 9/4)
From: Stop & Shop
Cost: $0.59/each (plus tax)
Location: Queens

Cake Doughnut
It definitely was not as good as the cake dough doughnuts from Doughnut Plant I had on Saturday. This one tasted a little like the cakes and doughnuts that Entenmann's makes.

Almond Covered Frosted Doughnut
The almonds and frosting made this doughnut. The doughnut itself was nothing special, but the frosting and almonds were just great.

Taste: sweet and tasty, for your first meal of the day you cannot go wrong with this type of food.
Conclusion: now I have a sugar rush that hopefully will last me until lunch time.

Drink: a glass of ice water... again I needed milk but did not have any one hand...

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