CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Friday, October 1, 2010

Instant Chinese Dinner

Meal: dinner (Wed 9/29)
From: my fridge
Cost: back to completely free for me
Location: my kitchen

Left with little in my fridge I had to resort to instant Chinese food.
-1 packet of instant noodles
-8? (I do not remember the exact number) frozen fish balls (with pork filling)
-a hand full of Chinese vegetables

I basically dumped everything in a pot of boiling water and it came out like this:

My Dinner

Taste: I was pretty starving after getting back from the gym, so this tasted really good.
Conclusion: I am not sure how healthy it was due to fat/sodium content as well as marginal nutritional value.

Drink: several glasses of ice water

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