CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Arg stupid metabolism!

Meal: snack (Thu 10/7)
From: Target
Cost: less than $2 for a box of 11 bars
Location: Queens

It was barely 4pm and I was starving. Probably because: (1) I had lunch around 12pm; (2) I did not gorge myself during lunch; (3) I have been playing basketball then working out 4 times a week; and/or (4) I probably do not eat enough for dinner due to a lack of available food materials. I think #3 is probably the cause of my constant hunger lately... all I had available in the office were my granola bars...

EDIT: one bar was not enough...

Taste: not really applicable?
Conclusion: I need to really rethink my food strategy going forward.

Drink: water from my office water cooler (Poland Spring).

Remarks: I cannot simply drink a lot of water to stave off hunger, I have tried this and I ended up just urinating a lot and getting hungry again.

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