CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Food Monsters Strike Back?

Meal: dinner (Wed 10/20)
From: my fridge
Cost: N/A (i.e. FREE!!!)
Location: my kitchen

The question of the night was would the food monsters retaliate for my preemptive strike against the leftovers I had for lunch? In short, kind of. There was absolutely no food to poach, I would have to make stuff from scratch.

After returning from the gym (the first time in a week, with my leg still ailing), I quickly microwaved up something to hold me over while I made a real meal.

Bourbon Chicken (frozen then microwaved)

Assorted Vegetables (frozen then microwaved)

I decided that if I needed to make something, I would make sure it would be enough for several meals. I boiled up an entire box of wholewheat penne. Then I took a can of string beans and threw it into a sauce pan along with:
-Fresh chopped garlic
-Fresh Thyme
-Fresh chopped green onions

I sautéed that all up in extra virgin olive oil then dumped some bottled marinara sauce along with some frozen meat balls from Costco (defrosted via microwave). I made enough for 2 large portions and 1 small portion. I ate one large portion for dinner.

My REAL Dinner

Taste: I incorrectly followed my friends suggestion and drizzled a little olive oil on the pasta before putting the sauce on it. Surprisingly it gave it just the right about of flavor and kick and made the whole thing taste delicious.
Conclusion: I was full... the question was would the remaining portions stay safe from the food monsters?

Drink: ice water

Dessert: there was a small piece of Chinese cake lefts in the kitchen at the end of the night, I saw it and gobbled it up.

Remarks: maybe I AM the food monster? Or am I just one of them?

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