CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Monday, September 27, 2010

Post-Workout "Breakfast"

Meal: "breakfast" (Sun 9/26)
From: Target
Cost: I paid $2 (plus tax) for a box of 4 bars on sale
Location: Queens

I had some time Sunday morning so I went to the gym to lift some weights. When I got home I realized (1) I was starving, and (2) I needed to leave soon to head to Queens (from Manhattan) to get to my friend's house to watch the Giant's game. So I grabbed a protein bar from the stash I got a good deal on a few months go (started with 12 bars only 2 left).
I did NOT take this picture.

Taste: the bar is very chocolaty.
Conclusion: I do not thing protein bars are ever super delicious, but they serve a utilitarian purpose.

Drink: 2 glasses of cold water, definitely needed.

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