CURRENT FOOD CRAVING: medium rare rib-eye steak... [Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:51 p.m.]

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Looks like Crap (literally)!

I got home from the gym and I was too lazy/tired to go out and get something to eat, even though I knew my fridge was empty.

Meal: dinner (Tue 9/7)
From: my fridge/pantry
Cost: free (otherwise I ripped off)
Location: my kitchen

Korean Instant Noodles
I felt like I needed some carbohydrates.

Canned Kidney Beans and Mixed Vegetables

My fridge was literally empty, this is the closest thing I could find to food in my pantry...

The end result, was not much to look at, but it did not taste so bad. Unfortunately, it was not enough food, especially after coming back from the gym...

I still had some beans and mixed veggies left in the cans, and on the fridge there was some left over canned spinach that someone had eaten earlier in the day. I threw it in the microwave to "kill germs" and heat up. The resulting mixture literally looked like crap, but it tasted okay.

Taste: I have had worst tasting things.
Conclusion: the finds I do to save money.

Drink: a couple glasses of ice water.

Dessert: random cookies I found in my fridge.

Assorted Cookies

One of them was a ginger snap, the other three were had lots of chocolate in them. They were all good.

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